Understanding Basic Statistics Solutions 2

These are my work from taking 'Statistics' class at Hudson County Community College. (Mar 2015-May 2015)

  • Book : Understanding Basic Statistics 
  • ISBN-13:9780495831488, ISBN-10:0495831484
  • For  students, please use these as resources, do not  plagiarize.
  • If you have a question, please leave a comment.
  • Graphs and Formulas may not shown. 

Solutions part 1.
Solutions part 2.


 (Section9.1) #5 (page 364)                                                                                             Jieun Kim 6-2
(a) :µ = 60kg
(b):µ < 60kg
(c):µ > 60kg
(d):µ ≠60kg
In part (b),  :µ < 60kg correspond to the P-value area is on the left. Because the probability of getting a test statistic lower than .
In part (c), :µ > 60kg correspond to the P-value area is on the right. Because the probability of getting a test statistic higher than .
In part (d), :µ ≠60 correspond to the P-value area is on both sides of the mean. Because the probability of getting a test statistic either lower than - or higher than

#7 (page 364)
(a) :µ = 16.4 feet
(b):µ >16.4 feet
(c):µ <16.4 feet
(d):µ ≠16.4 feet
In part (b),  :µ >16.4 correspond to the P-value area is on the right. Because the probability of getting a test statistic higher than .
In part (c),:µ <16.4 correspond to the P-value area is on the left. Because the probability of getting a test statistic lower than .
In part (d), :µ ≠16.4 correspond to the P-value area is on both sides of the mean. Because the probability of getting a test statistic either lower than - or higher than

#9 (page 365)
The level of significance =0.01
The null hypothesis :µ = 4.7
The alternate hypothesis :µ >4.7
I will use the right-tailed because :µ >4.7 states that the parameter is greater than the value claimed in .
Normal distribution.
Since the x distribution is normal and σ is known, I will use the normal distribution with z.
z= = ===0.89≈0.9
The value of the sample test statistic is 0.9.
(d) P-value of 0.1841 > 0.01 for
It fails to reject
(e) The sample data are not significant at the level. At this point, there is not enough evidence to reject claim that average yield for Australian bank stocks equals average yield for all stocks.

(Section 9.2) #7 (page 378)
The level of significance =0.01
The null hypothesis :µ = 16.4feet
The alternate hypothesis :µ >16.4feet
Standard normal distribution. Because µ and σ are given.
(c) P(z>1.54)=1-0.9382=0.0618
(d) P-value 0.0618 > 0.01 (
It fails to reject
(e) The sample data are not significant at the level. At this point, there is not enough evidence to say that the average storm level is increasing.

#9 (page 378)
The level of significance =0.05
The null hypothesis :µ = 41.7
The alternate hypothesis :µ ≠ 41.7
I will use standard normal distribution.
(d) (P-value=)   0.0466 ≤ 0.05   (=)
It rejects
(e) At the 5% significant level, there is sufficient evidence to say that the average number of e-mails is different with the new priority system. So, the new priority mail system has an effect on the mails.

Jieun Kim 7-1

#4 (page 130)
(a) near -1
Two variables are positively correlated.
(b) near 0
There is no linear relation between two variables.
(c) near 1
Two variables are negatively correlated.

#7 (page 131)
(a) I don't think increasing consumption of diet soda drinks causes traffic accidents. If the cause is a consumption of beer, it could causes traffic accidents. But, the consumption of diet soda drinks normally doesn't affect traffic accidents.
(b) Increasing population of young generation.
Because young people consider their diet, so, it will increase consumption of diet soda drinks. It also increase traffic accidents, because young people who just got a driver license don't have enough driving experience.

#9 (page 131)
(a) No. Because there are no negative correlation between annual income and time record to run 1 mile.
(b) Inflation is a lurking variables for increasing annual income.
Getting a training for running is a lurking variables for time record to run 1 mile.

# 11 (page 131)
(b) Strong Because 0.7<r<0.99, Positive Because 0<r<1.
(c) r= ====≈0.972

As x increases, y should increases. Because r≈0.972. If r is between 0 and 1(0<r<1). The x and y values have a positive correlation.

#14 (page 132)
(b) This correlation is moderate. Because r=0.51 is 0.4<r<0.6.
This correlation is positive. Because r is 0<r<1.

Because this correlation is positive correlation. 
Jieun Kim 7-2
Read all of the highlighted information on pp. 135-143 as well as complete the suggested Study Guide exercises #3 (page 141-142), and #4 (page 143). 

#7 (page 145)
(b) =16+33+50+28+50+25=202


74% of variation can be explained and 26% of variation cannot be explained.
=-0.751+0.161x=-0.751+0.161x40=-0.751+6.44=5.689≈5.69(in hundreds)

#9 (page 145)


89.5% of variation in y can be explained by corresponding variation in x and the least-squares line.
10.5% cannot be explained.
(f) =43.4-0.60x=43.4-0.60x38=43.4-22.8=20.6mpg

#12 (page 146)


88.9% of variation in y can be explained by corresponding variation in x and the least-squares line.
11.1% cannot be explained.
(f) =-27.83+0.75x=-27.83+0.75x70=-27.83+52.5=24.67

Solutions part 1.
Solutions part 2.


